Genericon draws brings together an interesting variety of civilian and rogue elements with markets and gaming opportunities. Falco Clan, took a contract from RPI to provide security for the various venues. The contract didn't pay particularly well but provided an excellent opportunity for bounty collecting by having unfettered access to the entire facility.

Arriving via the cargo bay, the Mercs were on the lookout for targets of opportunity. The area was off limits to civilians, and no unauthorized personnel were in the area unfortunately. Gear was stashed in the Ops command center for later retrieval, team members were briefed on potential targets that were expected to be at the facility. Shortly afterward the first patrol made its way from Ops to the main venue. Holonews reports from many worlds were on hand making an covert operation all but impossible. The reputation of the Mandalorian Mercs meant the security detail had almost celebrity status.

The Promenade was crowded, humans and mostly humans mingled together like a Coruscant nightclub. Vendors provided food and drink to suit many different tastes. The main venue for Genericon at the facility, the crowd provided ample opportunity for thieves and other miscreants to mingle and work their trade. A patron of the caf shop mistook the squad for clonetroopers, obviously this far on the Rim they hadn't seen stormtroopers or Mandalorians much. Further along the Promenade attendees took part in a various card games and simulation games. Battles for supremacy took place, winners gloating and losers sulking. The only Imperial presence visible was a Snowtrooper, he spent more time keeping an eye on the Mandalorians than anything else. Kal Falco took point with Austin backing him up. Corran and Synnr Falco kept a keen eye out for trouble and profitable targets. Taking perhaps the

biggest risk in this operation, Genet and Jyl'iaan Falco operated without armor blending in with the crowd and Holonews journalists.
Many alien species were present, some of which no Mandalorian was familiar with. Actually some which no Mandalorian wanted to be familiar with.
A commotion at the far end of the Promenade drew the attention of the Mandalorain Mercs. Weequay slavers attempted to abduct Genericon attendees through the restricted corridors at the far end of the Promenade. Falco Clan quickly responded putting a stop to the slaver operations. Standing bounties on slavers do not require bodies, so the Mercs contingent took full advantage. The weequay slavers were assaulted with blasters on full power, all of them were disintegrated. Genericon Ops was grateful that only basic cleaning droids were required and no disposal of bodies was necessary. Footage from Holonews cams was adequate to claim the bounties resulting in a tidy bonus for the Falco squad.
Several outstanding bounty contracts were fulfilled during the operation. Several thousand credits profit were realized by Falco clan as a result. Target identities will not be revealed due to client contracts. At least one target turned himself in, knowing that the bounty on his contract was paid dead or alive. With the success of this mission, Falcos will be looking at other opportunities to stack mission contracts together.
The most unusual aspect of the mission was witnessing the Imperial Remnants new Outreach program. Seeing the Snowtrooper attempting to engage civilians with anything other then a blaster was almost disturbing.
A big thank you to all who interacted with the Mandalorian Mercs during this operation.